Fresh 2010 - The Reality of Everyday Reality


Date: 06/August/2010 - 26/September/2010

Sources on cultural history seem to corroborate the common belief that every seventh year brings a divide in human life (a new perspective, a new beginning). Nor it is otherwise with the FRESH exhibition, which KOGART now stages for the seventh occasion. The time has come for an exhibit with a history to redefine its function, position and future goals.

It has been a pleasure to see a growing interest in fresh arts graduates; the diploma and Best of Diploma shows of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, as well as the various privately founded scholarships, seek to help young artists at the beginning of their careers. While the Fresh exhibit has the same objective, it tries not to be yet another diploma display, and draws its artists from a broader base. From now on, the fresh graduates of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, the Arts Faculty of the University of Pécs and the Moholy-Nagy University of Art will appear in the company of other young (dominantly under 30) artists, who earned their diploma earlier.

FRESH wants to be a key platform for promising members of the youngest artist generation. We welcome all those artists of an experimental spirit who approach their subject in an individual tone, with creativity, humour and/or profundity.

The works selected for FRESH 2010 are bold, provocative and diverse as regards their genre and media, installation, video and concept art providing a marked presence beside the classic forms. Nature and the street are the two major themes, which intersect in the real and virtual spaces of modern, reanimated community life.

The minds of those who exhibit at FRESH are filled with everyday reality, with whatever is close and personal and offers itself for experience. They do not hesitate to be critical or satirical, whilst self-irony is notably absent from their expression, which must have to do with the growing tendency for introspection in contemporary society. These so-called micro-narratives – simple, “banal” stories –, which focus on everyday life, have come to the fore in recent years not only in Hungary, but in other scenes of the world as well. Which can hardly be an accident, if only because the contemporary artist too is only human.

Exhibition blog:  (in Hungarian)

Participating artists:
Basa Anikó, Dobány Mátyás, Hámori Anett, Heim Péter, Holló Manuella, Kalmár Dorottya, Keller Diána, Kim Corbisier, Gruppo Tökmag (K. Budha Tamás, Tábori András), Köllő Zsuzsanna, Kupeczik Ágnes, Menyhárt menyus Tamás, Rizmayer Péter, Süveges Rita, Szabó Attila, Szabó Klára Petra, Szalay Péter, Szádeczky-Kardoss Glória, Szenteleki Dóra, Szólláth Gábor, Tanka Péter, Tompai Ildikó, Tóth Angelika

KOGART Prize and Special Prizes were announced at the Finissage on 24 September, 2010.
KOGART Prize: Péter Tanka
KOGART Special Prizes: Anikó Basa and Kim Corbisier

Visitors' information: 

1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 112.